- Visit to the NU Building in N.Y. and the Spanish embassy in Washington D.C.

Some of the members of EDUC@S visited the NU Building in New York. Later, they visited the Spanish embassy in Washington D.C. to leave information about the summer program F@ciles.Spanish.2004
- Cultural activities about arts, culture and Castellón's customs in the lessons of Spanish as foreign language.

- Stand in Zebulon Elementary School, April and May, with cultural information, traditional costumes and leaflets about Castellón and its province.

- End of the Course Party in Zebulon Elementary School.

We talked about holidays, typical Spanish costumes and dishes. We worn the Magdalena´s blouse. The students could try dishes and enjoy with a dissertation about flamenco and sevillanas offered by Sharon Bryant, director of Cai Flamenco (http://www.earthlink.net/~caiflam). More than 150 students enjoyed the party. It was recorded in video and more than 500 students could watch and listen the explanations about holidays in Spain, especially "Magdalena" in Castellón.

- "La Fiesta del Pueblo 2004", September 11-12, 2004. NC State Fair Grounds, Raleigh.

EDUC@S organized for the non-profit organization "El Pueblo": a cultural information booth consisted on broaches, posters, flags and cultural items representative of Spain and a cultural food stand.

- 19th International Festival, Raleigh, November 6-7, NC State Fairgrounds, Raleigh.

On November the 6th and 7th, EDUC@S participated in The International Festival at the Raleigh State Fair grounds (www.internationalfestival.com). At the International Festival, EDUC@S organized the cultural exhibit for the Spaniards, "La Cueva", where the children were involved in artistic games, drawing and coloring. They also learnt colors, shapes and a bit about art from Spain. In the same booth there was an exhibit with Paz Beltrán oil on canvas paintings.

- Charitable party "El Rincón de España" with the music performances of Cai Flamenco, Aroma Café and DJ Keith.
- Exhibition of Castellón´s artists Adela Arrufat and Oriol Aguilar in the "Sala de Exposiciones Espacio Joven", Ayuntamiento de Salamanca, September.

- Participation in the annual meeting for foreign languages teachers (FLANC 2004) in North Caroline. Presentation of the F@ciles Spanish 2005 program in their annual magazine.
Permanent activities:

- "La cueva"

- F@ciles.Art2004

- Colaboración con Pazgallery.com

- F@ciles.org

- Programa F@ciles.Spanish2004

- Participation in the seminar "Latinos en las Carolinas 2004". It is an international forum for teachers. 

- Participation in "El Día de los Niños. El día de los Libros 2004". Organized by El Pueblo, The Mexican Consulate and "La Biblioteca Regional del Este" in the Biblioteca Regional del Este.